Sunday 22 February 2015

The Adventures Of Tripp Fantastic Chapter Six : Family Comes To Visit

Fredd and Tripp had a guest, Patches  MacGillacutty. Patches' was Fredds half cousin on his step fathers-in-laws side. Patches was a Forrest gnome From Knysna. He had invented a state of the art computer game for Forrest folk. It was called "The Blue Leaf Tetrahedron 4000".

It was just a stick, but lots of fun. It also only had one game that worked, "Hell Jumper 14". You hold the stick with both hands and run around screaming ridiculous things like all children do.
"Where did you get this great idea from Mr MacGillacutty?" Tripp asked. "Well Tripp my boy, I stole it from an elephant who had ripped it straight from a giant pair tree" Patches replied with a sense euphoric nostalgia. Tripp smiled and asked "...and how does the technology work?" "Oh that's an easy one !!" Fredd jumped in. "Well you do know that there are infinite universes and parallel reality's, what u probably don't know is how to access those realitys" Fredd continued "The first step in Inter-Reality-Hoping or T.H.E.D as we plant folk like to call it." "Why do you call it that?" Tripp inquired. "Because " The penis " sounds to much like ... Well penis, can I continue? Ok so in order to jump reality's one needs to just shift ones assembly point. If you could see reality from the point of a tree, you would see that each leaf see what the whole tree sees but each leaf also looks into its own parallel world, the tree itself therefore looks into thousands of reality's simultaneously... "The Blue Leaf Tetrahedron 4000" allows you the player for the first time ever to do this."
Tripp just sat there looking at Fredd. Then said "How do you know all that?" "I was just reading the instruction manual" Fredd replied rolling his eyes. "I was standing right in front of you holding a giant Turquoise Book with the words THE BLUE LEAF TETRAHEDRON 4000 INSTRUCTION MANUAL" Fredd yelped.
"That's awesome!! Mr MacGillacutty sir, who many have you sold?" Tripp asked. "The last time I checked we had sold all 144 000 units ... You see the US military Industrial Complex thinks it works and they don't want it in the hands of your common Forrest folk, so they bought the lot. But mind you the thing doesn't actually work because we cant find a power source. Our last guesstimation calculated it would need 100 100 Billion Million Suns or.... the imagination of a child and two full pockets of Peruvian bull shit". Tripp and Fredd looked at one another and laughed in unison saying "Peruvian magic bullshit!".
"Well I need to be going boys but I got you some gifts, for you Fredd my boy a cheque for eleventy Million Dollars and Tripp ,a lock of Taylor Swifts hair." "ok stop!" Tripp began " How did you get Taylor Swift to give you a lock of her hair and did she talk about me?" "That story my boy Is for another visit" and with that Patches vanished in a dance of blue and turquoise lights and all that remained was a pair of rear aquamarine quartz crystals.

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